
Zold is an experimental community-driven project. It has a very ambitious technical roadmap. Join us in Telegram to make this plan real.

This is our current technical focus (most urgent and critical are at the top):

  • Zold-Stress doesn’t demonstrate high-speed results; we have to investigate what’s going on and what need to be fixed.

  • Large Traffic: we send wallet content too frequently between nodes, while it’s possible to optimize that and return “Not-Modified” for all FETCH operations, if they request the content they already have. We may also want to delivery multiple wallets in one HTTP request (“packaged delivery”) and delivery partial content.

  • No SSL: nodes still communicate via an open and insecure HTTP protocol. This is a pretty serious threat, we have to start using HTTPS.

  • Database: currently Zold node software keeps wallet data in files, which makes it difficult to manage and slow. Would be great to introduce a database-backed persistence layer, with SQLite, for example.

  • Windows: at the moment our software doesn’t run on Windows platform, and it’s only sad. We have to make sure that our nodes run on Windows.


Security problems solved, --baseline, --legacy, --trusted, and --depth parameters introduced, which made sure that we are not afraid of 51% attack anymore. However, we seriously depend on master nodes, and this is the problem to be fixed in the future. We may also want to get rid of scores (proof-of-work) and move to proof-of-availability, which has to be invented and implemented.

Queue Overflow problem is gone. The amount of wallets “in process” was growing in some nodes sometimes; this didn’t sound like a valid behavior and most likely meant some dead loops. Indeed, there were duplicate PUSH operations accomplished by most nodes. The problem has been fixed.

Memory leakage has been fixed. Thanks to that the entire network is stable now. Server software runs without interruption for days. This was a bug (or a feature) in Ruby, but we weren’t able to find it for a few months.

--tolerate-edges introduced to increase security; --tolerate-quorum introduced to increase security; legacy wallet content to prohibit overwrites in 24 hours; --shallow merge introduced; “Hungry” wallets added, to improve wallets distribution mechanism; On-demand wallet content delivery to optimize traffic; Garbage collection introduced to remove empty and old wallets; repo JSON attribute added to see the difference between Zold implementations; Score strength increased to 8.

Zold-stress, a stress-test automated command like toolkit released. Score calculating code moved to its own repository zold-score, and C/C++ implementation introduced. Node aliases introduced in #249. HTTP requests performance improved in #176. Reboot mechanism is connected to the RubyGems website, in #181.

#412: Scores are being calculated in a separate process, which makes HTTP front-end a few times faster (but still pretty slow).

#399: PUSH, PULL, and UPDATE are multi-threaded now, which makes them much faster than before.

#402: Critical bugs with nodes connectivity were fixed, the network is stable (over 70 nodes).

This blog has been started and the first article has been published.

The first version of the Green Paper has been published.

We started to recruit Ruby developers on StackOverflow, to build a team.

The first transaction has been sent.

The first version of the White Paper has been published.

Version 0.1 has been released to RubyGems.

The idea was born. It became obvious that having our own cryptocurrency would be benefitial for Zerocracy.